all postcodes in YO21 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO21 3AA 12 0 54.487052 -0.620847
YO21 3AB 7 0 54.486821 -0.618693
YO21 3AH 38 16 54.487281 -0.617304
YO21 3AE 71 1 54.486354 -0.619496
YO21 3AF 4 0 54.486851 -0.61766
YO21 3AG 1 0 54.486022 -0.617549
YO21 3AJ 18 11 54.487293 -0.617566
YO21 3AL 12 0 54.487137 -0.618004
YO21 3AN 4 0 54.487173 -0.618328
YO21 3AP 58 1 54.487468 -0.618718
YO21 3AR 24 0 54.487144 -0.61947
YO21 3AS 19 0 54.48796 -0.618811
YO21 3BB 35 24 54.486774 -0.615407
YO21 3AW 8 0 54.487547 -0.617743
YO21 3AX 1 1 54.486569 -0.616278
YO21 3AY 1 1 54.486456 -0.615834
YO21 3AZ 1 1 54.486612 -0.614563
YO21 3BA 48 23 54.486471 -0.615556
YO21 3BD 8 0 54.486537 -0.61506
YO21 3BE 12 0 54.486438 -0.615358